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Media training

CEOs, administrators, top specialists from public and private sectors, as well as well-known football players, coaches and referees, have taken Quintrix training and coaching programmes on dealing with the media.

We help you to face the press. Whether you are about to appear on radio or television, or talk to your local newspaper you need to know how to handle media. You need to appear reliable and in control of yourself. You need to put your message across succinctly. And even if you do not expect to be interviewed, the press may come running after you when you are in trouble. In that case it will be too late to start thinking about training. So be prepared!

All of our sessions, for individuals or groups, are customized to meet your specific goals and time constraints. We focus our attention on developing strategic messages and getting powerful results from every presentation and media interview.

Through realistic (on-camera) interview situations, we teach you how to turn an interview into a golden opportunity by:
* Understanding and adjusting to the subtle differences between television, radio, print and telephone interviews;
* Preparing and practising the interview;
* Identifying your message and learning how to formulate and illustrate your message;
* Taking control of a media interview by identifying and responding to a reporter’s style;
* Applying ground rules to ensure that your message remains the same even when you are faced with awkward or tricky questions;
* Tailoring your message to your audience;
* Handling sensitive issues so that correct facts and impressions are conveyed to the public.

During training or coaching you get experience in actually doing interviews of different types such as playback and analysis. On a one-to-one basis you practise interviews with a professional journalist.

We will ask for a very thorough briefing before training or coaching about your organisation, your message, your experience, your potential problems, etc. If you want to get prepared for in-depth interviews, and especially if you want to be put under pressure for controversial topics, we need sufficient information to put together sensible and realistic case studies.

Please contact us to discuss the training course content or the possibilities for individual coaching.

For more information:

Mail or call:
+ 31 (0) 317 497666